February 18th, 2024 News
Our theme for Lent this year is Who is This?
This question is frequently asked of Jesus by both his followers and his opposers. Jesus wasn't the kind of Messiah that any of them imagined. Is Jesus the kind of Messiah we are looking for? Perhaps we have our own version of what we'd like Jesus to be, but the Bible describes him differently than we hoped for. Are we willing to let Jesus tell us exactly who he is without imposing our own ideas?
Join us Sunday morning at 10 am or anytime throughout the week. This Sunday we begin the first message in the Lent Series “Who Is This?” Pastor Jolene begins with a look at “The One Who Invites Us In!” She will be focusing on the book of Matthew chapter 3 verses 13-17.
John doesn't want to baptize Jesus; it seems backwards and it feels wrong. But something in Jesus' voice convinces him to proceed, and suddenly the heavens are torn open and incredible things are happening. Who is this Jesus, and what is he doing?
UPCOMING OFFERING: February 25th A.M. – World Renew Canada Foodgrains Bank: As one of the founding members of Canadian Foodgrains Bank, World Renew multiplies your impact through food security programs like their early response project in Madagascar. Around the world, floods have washed away crops and droughts have left farmlands barren. But together we can end global hunger! With the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, World Renew's capacity to provide disaster response and food security programs on a global scale has grown over the years." Visit worldrenew.ca/foodgrains
Both our offering LAST WEEK and our offering THIS WEEK are ministries supported by Ministry Shares.
The Video Below shares a "Thank-you" from the Ministries of the CRCNA supported by Ministry Shares.
You can Help Change the Story of Global Hunger - God has blessed this planet with more than enough resources so no one should have to go hungry. Sadly, an estimated 783 million people around the world suffer from chronic hunger. Next week, on Canadian Foodgrains Bank Sunday, let us join World Renew to learn how through our gifts we can help change the story of global hunger. Through World Renew’s unique partnership with Canadian Foodgrains Bank, your gifts will be matched up to 4X. For more information go to: worldrenew.ca/food
"Inhabiting the Scriptures: Finding Home in a World of Displacement" by Dr. Brian Walsh. We will explore how "home" is an integrating theme in the Bible, one that meets the deepest longings of life in this world. This course will be on zoom on Sunday evenings throughout Lent. Pay what you can. Go to www.bibleremixed.ca for more details."
Let’s Talk Trees - This talk by Aaron Boonstra, sponsored by the Creation Care Support Team at Meadowlands Fellowship CRC in Ancaster, will focus on the important role that trees play in the fight against climate change and how we, as stewards, can care for trees. We'll discuss the unique aspects of different tree species, including invasives, how to care for trees on your property, and issues facing the urban forest. Aaron is an ISA Certified Arborist who works with Reep Green Solutions. When: Monday, February 19 at 7:30 pm. Where: Meadowlands Fellowship Church or online at https://vimeo.com/event/385354. Questions? Contact Henry (hbrouwer746@gmail.com).
Attention Grade 6-8 families: Great Lakes Christian High School would like to invite you a few events:
Virtual Open Houses: Tuesday February 20th at 2:00pm. Join us from wherever you are. Meet the Principal, Guidance counselor and other staff who will work directly with your teen in their future. To register: Click Here. NEW: Transportation available on demand from Stoney Creek and Grimsby as well as St Catharines.
Experience Great Lakes: Thursday, February 29th 8:00am-3:15pm. Students, this day is for YOU! Come for a day to experience what high school is like as a Great Lakes Laker! (Lunch provided). To register: Click Here.
Wolters Centre Lecture: Are We Free? On March 20, the Albert M. Wolters Centre for Christian Scholarship hosts Dr. Lydia Jaeger (Institut Biblique de Nogent, France), for her lecture “Are We Free? Navigating Scientific Determinism and Liberty of Creation.” Dr. Jaeger will explore how an understanding of God as creator provides a helpful and important framework for thinking about science, including implications for understanding human freedom before the face of God.
Worship for Justice Concert - Redeemer is sponsoring The Worship for Justice tour featuring Don Moen, Paul Baloche, and Brooke Nichols when it comes to campus for one of four concerts in Southern Ontario in April 2024. Learn More.
Work at Redeemer - Redeemer is hiring a Campus Services Coordinator (OneCard), Athletics Coordinator (Multimedia & Sports Information), and a Head Coach (Women's Volleyball). Learn more about these positions and many others below.
Joining IF:Grimsby is being part of a sisterhood of women who are willing to step out in faith. Forestview will be streaming the conference right from our sanctuary; gathering at tables, learning and growing in a small group atmosphere together with other local women. Great food Great learning Great worship! We hope to see you there! IF takes place March 22-23 along with other IF:Locals around the world! The theme for this year is "Because of Jesus" John 8:12.
Join IF:Grimsby: Friday March 22 from 6pm - 10pm (session 1 starts at 6:30); Saturday March 23 from 9am - 5pm. Your ticket includes an IF:Local ticket, snacks & lunch, and our in-person experience. Only Friday - $25; Only Saturday - $50 (including lunch); Whole event $65 (including lunch). For those attending who have dietary restrictions please email info@forestviewcommunitychurch.ca
Tickets are now available for the annual combined concert of the Hosanna Choir & Mattaniah Christian Male Choir concert at FirstOntario Concert Hall, 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton on Saturday, March 30 at 7:30pm. The choirs will be accompanied by Ryan Vandenberg (Organ), Andre Knevel (Organ), and Naomi Noorduyn (Piano) and the 13-piece Scott Harrison Brass/Percussion Ensemble. Tickets are available at $25 & $35, and can be obtained through the choir’s website (www.hosanna-choir.org) a choir member, Wendy den Hollander at 905-628-1211 or at hdenhollander@yahoo.com.
FAMILY OUTREACH ONTARIO was there for this family and addict. This was his response after accepting he had an issue with alcohol: “I thought I could fix the problem on my own and nobody would know about it. What a mistake that has been. It almost ripped our whole family apart. Thank you so much for your love and care.” Call 905-933-3994, e-mail us at info@familyoutreachontario.com, or visit our web site www.familyoutreachontario.com.
Links are available on our website under
“Community Connections” - “Partnerships”
Paper copies can be requested from the church office.
We want to let you know about our special series of Lent devotions Focus on the Cross, from our Today devotional. These devotions are a perfect way to focus on the depth, beauty, and mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ this Lenten season. You can receive this series straight to your inbox, or download them as one file for printing.
NEWSLETTERS FROM OUR MINISTRY PARTNERS – Available under “Community Partners” on our Website. Posted as they come in. Paper copies can be requested from the church office.. Browse through the work of local and CRCNA ministries...
ReFrame Ministries Provides Devotions, Podcasts, and Blogs - Start a new Biblical habit with resources from ReFrame Ministries. DEVOTIONS including the Today devotional offer short daily meditations and scripture. Kids Corner includes devotions, especially for children and guardians. PODCASTS help you dig into scripture with Groundwork, explore pop culture and Christianity with Think Christian, or energize your church communications with Church Juice. BLOGS offering spiritual advice for parenting, dating, and more are available in new posts from Family Fire. Learn more about the spiritual habit of praying with ReFrame’s prayer ministry.
Groundwork: Why Jesus Had To Die On A Cross - We begin the season of Lent by slowing down and remembering why Jesus Christ’s awful death was necessary. Join Groundwork as we study Genesis 3:14-15, Romans 5:12-17, Isaiah 10:1-3, Habakkuk 1:2-4, and Jeremiah 31:31-34 to reflect on scriptures that answer the question: “Why did Jesus have to die on a cross?” Listen now at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.
Kids Corner: Names of God: The Lord Is My Peace - Check out this week’s kids’ devotion at www.kidscorner.net/. Can you think of a time when you did not feel worthy enough to do something? Maybe you thought, “Why did they pick me?” or “There's someone else better than me.” If so, you know exactly how Gideon felt in Judges 6:11- 24. Check out all the great content at kidscorner.net, like KC’s Lent and Easter Collection.
Thrive Faith Formation Tip - Wendell Berry wrote, “Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is the privilege of human beings to live under the laws of justice and mercy.” Which laws in your community promote justice, mercy, and human flourishing? Which do not? Learn more at crcna.org/FaithPracticesProject
Family Fire - Family Fire is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
We Are hiring at Shalom! Working at Shalom is a great opportunity to share your gifts and talents in a wonderful workplace and to become involved in the community! We take pride in offering the best possible care and making Shalom home for our residents. Become part of the team! Visit our website and send your resume or any questions to hr@shalommmanor.ca to see if a career with Shalom is a good fit for you!
The CRCNA is seeking a candidate to fill the full-time, permanent position of Executive Director Canada. A search team has been tasked with recruiting for this position with the goal of having the successful candidate begin on or before May 1, 2024. Learn More at crcna.org/executive-director-canada-search