Offering Details for Feburary 2025

February 2nd A.M. – Cairn Christian School: Our Cairn Christian School sites in Smithville and Stoney Creek work to inspire students to love, learn, and lead together in God's world.  This offering provides vital support in achieving this mission, enabling students and families the opportunity to access an amazing Christian Education, and communicates our love for their students.

February 9th A.M. – Thrive Ministries (formerly Congregational Ministries):  Nine ministries are joining to equip and encourage our congregations more than ever before. Our new name is Thrive. In coming together, we hope to provide churches with one-stop access to support resources that are fully integrated, and responsive to the changing needs of local congregations. As we make this transition, we continue to support churches in the areas of faith formation, abuse prevention, disability inclusion, racial reconciliation and diversity, pastors and church support, chaplaincy, justice, and worship. Your prayers and continued financial support are critical, whether through Ministry Shares or individual donations. To keep up to date on all of our work, subscribe to the new Thrive monthly email.

February 16th A.M. – Re Frame Minsitries (formerly Back to God Ministries Int’l): is the cross-cultural media ministry of the CRCNA. It proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ through indigenous teams in people’s “heart languages” using the web, radio, television, phone, print, and other media. It opens doors for salvation and discipleship, broadcasting the gospel in otherwise closed regions.  BTGMI aired its first radio program in 1939. Today, we are reaching people in almost 200 countries and 10 major languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.


Friendship and World Renew: Canada Foodgrains bank collections have switched dates.
They are listed below on their corrected dates.
(This switch is a change from the annual schedule and from what was listed in the Newsletter Jan 26).

February 23rd A.M. – Friendship (Local): The Friendship Group consists of about 15 young people and adults from our church and surrounding community with developmental challenges.  Special friends from our church meet with these young people and adults every Thursday night from September to May.  We enjoy an evening filled with the good news of God’s love through  Bible stories, singing, crafts, and special activities.

March 2nd A.M. – World Renew – Canada Foodgrains Bank:  Let’s Answer God’s Call to Feed the Hungry. God provides more than enough food to feed the global population; yet around the world, millions of people are in food crisis. Now more than ever we need to answer God’s call to feed the hungry. Today is Canadian Foodgrains Bank Sunday and through your gifts you can help World Renew provide emergency food to address the immediate needs of families in food crisis and the training communities need to sustainably overcome hunger. Your gifts will be matched up to 4X by Canadian Foodgrains Bank. To donate, call 1-888-WRLD-RNW or go online to:

Karin Terpstra