Offering Schedule March 2020


March 1st A.M. – Calvin Theological Seminary provides theological training for ordained and un-ordained ministry positions for Christian Reformed Churches in North America as well as leaders for Christ’s church around the world.  They also evaluate candidates for ministry, offer continuing education for pastors, and seminars for office bearers. Calvin Theological Seminary advises synod and is a theological resource for all denominational agencies and churches.

March 8th A.M. – World Renew – Canada Foodgrains Bank - As Christians, we are called to love and care for our brothers and sisters in need around the world. In response to this call, World Renew works through CFGB to provide food and other essential assistance following disasters. We also stay for the long-term to help people rebuild their homes and lives. We have seen that even the smallest of these acts of love can plant new seeds of hope in the hearts of disaster survivors. On March 4th, please give generously so that World Renew can replenish its CFGB account and continue to sow seeds of hope wherever there is need around the world. Your contributions regularly receive a 4:1 match from the Canadian government and are further leveraged by the support of other CFGB member organizations.

March 15th A.M. – Benevolence: Your contribution to Benevolence at Mountainview provides assistance for the needs of our church family and the local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. A church and community of our size has many varied needs within it. Please continue to support our ministry of benevolence.

March 22nd A.M. – Classical Ministry Shares - Since 1862, as the CRC has found new opportunities to advance God’s kingdom and resource congregations in new ways, we have chosen to respond together as a denomination. Ministry shares allow us to combine our funds to do more than a single individual or congregation could do on its own. They provide a stewardly and cost-effective way of supporting every church and allowing us all to live out our God-given callings. Through ministry shares, offerings and other gifts, you help train pastors, plant churches, share the gospel, support chaplains, develop curriculum, and equip congregations with resources for worship, abuse prevention, disability concerns, elder and deacon training, racial reconciliation, and much more.

March 29th A.M. – World Renew envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ's compassion and live together in hope as God's community. Compelled by God’s deep passion for justice & mercy, we join communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation. World Renew's worldwide ministry is three-fold:   Community Development, Disaster Response & Rehabilitation, and Peace & Justice.



Karin Terpstra