Offering Schedule for December 2021

Dec. 5th A.M. – Benevolence: Your contribution to Mountainview’s Benevolent Fund provides assistance for those in need in our church family and in our local community. These include basic needs such as food, clothing, housing and schooling. A church and community of our size has many varied needs within it. Please continue to support our ministry of Benevolence.

Dec. 12th A.M. – Shalom Manor & Gardens is a special Christian, non-profit long-term care home and retirement centre, serving seniors mostly of Dutch descent who belong to the community of Reformed faiths. Limited government funding does not allow the services our seniors require that meet our expectations and standards. Your gifts will enhance immediate resident care, programs, and debt load.

Dec. 19th A.M. – Resonate Global Mission is continuing their partnership with churches in Canada and the US to plant churches, do campus ministry, train and equip pastors, and develop future leaders. They continue to send missionaries overseas, proclaiming the Gospel, and forging lasting partnerships. In addition to this ongoing work, they are tackling new opportunities for ministry in North America. With your prayers and financial support, we will be able to equip all our churches for ministry and join together with what God is already doing around the world.

Dec. 24th P.M. – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - Grimsby Life Centre is a ministry that is committed to providing help for the physical, social, and mental well-being of those in crisis. This loving care is demonstrated through on-going counseling, support and care. All services are free and confidential, and we depend solely on donations from individuals, churches, businesses, and fund-raising events. Thank-you for your support and prayers.

Dec. 25th A.M. – Christmas Day – World Renew (Gift Catalogue) envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ's compassion and live together in hope as God's community. Compelled by God’s deep passion for justice & mercy, we join communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation. World Renew's worldwide ministry is three-fold:  Community Development, Disaster Response & Rehabilitation, and Peace & Justice.

Dec. 26th A.M. – Indwell: Our Vision - Hope and Homes for All.  Our Mission - Indwell is a Christian charity that creates affordable housing communities that support people seeking health, wellness and belonging. Our Values - We value the inherent dignity of all people as image bearers of God. We live out our Christian calling to love our neighbor as ourselves. Hope is the foundation of all our actions. Be a part of ending homelessness. Through your gifts you are providing affordable housing, supports, and community for Indwell tenants. This helps each person achieve health, wellness and belonging.

Dec. 31st P.M. – New Year’s Eve - Budget … End Of Year:  An end-of-year offering for our Ministry Promise. Your contributions empower us GROW in relationship with God and each other, and GO, sharing Christ’s love in words and actions to our community, through programs such as Coffee Break, GEMS, Cadets, Small Groups, Kids Camp, Friendship and more...  It also allows us to keep our facilities in good operating condition, and prepare a plan for some major capital expenditures for a now 20+ year old building. Your gift this evening will enable us to meet our financial commitments for 2021.

Peter Van Geest