The Newsletters are in alphabetical order.
The newest are furthest left (closest to logo).
Click on the Newsletter image to view the document.
Click on the Ministry Logo to visit their website
World Renew has a January 2025 Video Update
Resonate has a December 2024 Eastern Canada Update
M2S has a January Update
SoCo has a new Feb 13, 2025 Update
In the aftermath of the postal strike we are highlighting our electronic links.
You can click on the image to read the full December issue in PDF form online.
From this link, you can also read the past issues going back to 2005. You can check back each month, as new issues are posted to this page. We hope this provides a helpful option as we wait for the strike to be resolved. Happy online reading! Please Note: January & February issues will be combined (like July & August). The March Issue will follow.
We believe that Jesus Christ calls us all to gratefully follow him in every area of life. That gives our daily living eternal significance and purpose. Whether we're addressing subjects like parenting, movies, politics, church ministries, or the society we live in, The Banner explores all such issues from the perspective of the good news that in Christ God is reconciling the world to himself. All who believe in Jesus are empowered by God's Spirit to serve as ambassadors of that reconciliation.
Published monthly by the Christian Reformed Church in North America, The Banner magazine shows how the Christian faith in its Reformed expression makes sense for today's world. We hope you'll find our articles—from news to features to reviews—lively, informative, inspiring, and challenging.
Today is a daily devotional that helps God's people refresh, refocus, and renew their faith in Christ Jesus. Today reaches hundreds of thousands of readers in North America and around the world every day by email, web, mobile app, radio, podcast, and print. To see the full daily devotional website and to sign up for the daily email, visit Or read today's devotion below.