- When the fire alarm sounds, the Elders and Deacons (on duty and off) will assist in the evacuation of the sanctuary. - Each section will exit starting from the back of the sanctuary to the front.
- Anyone who needs special assistance will remain in the pews until the rest of the church is evacuated. The Elders and Deacons will then go throughout the Sanctuary and Fireside room and assist as needed. No one who needs any sort of assistance should exit with the first group. That means wheelchairs, walkers or canes; these people will exit after the first group has exited.
- The congregation will exit the sanctuary through the MAIN DOORS on the North side of the building. If for some reason these exits are blocked, then they will use the exit in the sanctuary on the West wall and the exit by the Fireside room. The Pastor/Head Usher will instruct people as required.
- Once everyone is out Do Not re-enter the Church until permission is given from the fire department.