February 7th, 2021


February is now upon us - the shortest month of the year, and yet despite its length, a busy month!

As always, we celebrate Valentine’s Day and Family Day, The Coldest Night of the Year Fundraising walk, and the beginning of Lent. This year we also have the opportunity to participate in the Youth Fundraising Dinner, and we have the privilege of officially installing Pastor Erick Schuringa and welcoming him as our new Lead Pastor. Sadly, that also means we say goodbye to Pastor Mike Collins who has served us so faithfully this past year.  

It seems fitting that we express our appreciation and welcome to our pastors on Valentine’s Day, and then have the opportunity to spend time with our family the following day and get involved in fundraising activities to support our church and community in the coming week!  I’m reminded of 1 Corinthians 13, the “love” chapter, and the second of the commandments Jesus spoke as found in Matthew 22:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind. 
This is the first and greatest commandment. 
And the second is like it: Love Your neighbour as yourself. 
All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

You are encouraged to read these passages in your devotions this month and to see how you might show love to your neighbour. May you show love all through this month in everything you do.

Just as our February is shaping up to be a busy one, this month’s Deacons’ Corner is also a busy one!  

Member Assistance

With the lockdown in place, you may find yourself in a situation where you need additional assistance. The Deacons wish to remind you that we are here to assist. If you or someone in your neighbourhood is in quarantine, or needs help getting groceries or prescriptions, please let us know!  Simply contact your neighbourhood deacon, email deacons@mountainviewcrc.org or contact jendejonge@hotmail.com. We trust that God will continue to guide us and keep us safe and healthy through this difficult time.

Canadian Foodgrains Bank Sunday

On Sunday, March 7th, we will be taking an offering for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.  This year, food insecurity is more pervasive around the world due to the global effects of the pandemic.  It is hoped that our donations will bring emergency food for families in crisis.  

All gifts will be matched up to 4x, multiplying our church’s impact.  What a great way to give a little but make a BIG impact!

We invite you to prayerfully consider how you might help support this Cause for CFGB Sunday, on March 7th.  For more information about World Renew and their work please visit:  worldrenew.ca

COVID-19 Vaccine Information 

On January 20, 2021, our church was invited to participate in a session on COVID-19 - Vaccination and Public Health Advice in Canada, presented by Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer.

It has become apparent during this pandemic that Canadians struggle to find trustworthy resources and information on the pandemic and the vaccines that have been developed in response.  

If you are looking for some trusted information, we welcome you to click on the following links:

·         Toolkit: designed to share credible COVID-19 information on vaccines and public health for the community:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OYBxF0sgXdQBFDmOe0AN8v2HivNB0Fco/view

·         COVID-19 Immunization Plan: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/canadas-reponse/canadas-covid-19-immunization-plan.html

·         COVID-19 Vaccines: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/prevention-risks/covid-19-vaccine-treatment.html

A copy of the presentation is also available for those who are interested.  Please email Jen DeJonge to request a copy: jendejonge@hotmail.com.

Incoming Office Bearers

It is the time of year where we have asked that you prayerfully consider serving Mountainview as an elder or deacon. Serving the church in this capacity is a real blessing and we wish to thank all of you who will be letting your name stand. We look forward to welcoming the new Office Bearers to our team of Deacons and trust that God will bless you richly as you serve with us.

Doorways Into the World

Every year the Deacons take the time to highlight organizations that we support either in our more local community, or in our broader community across the globe.

On Sunday, March 7, we invite you to a special time of thanksgiving and acknowledgment of the diverse organizations we support around the world. Stay tuned for more information on this event.

Stay tuned for our next Deacons’ Corner on March 7, 2021

Karin Terpstra