May 19, 2022
Dear Congregation,
I don’t know about you, but I am still in disbelief that we continue to battle the COVID pandemic. Many of us have experienced the virus or at minimum, have been affected by friends and family who have. Now we are getting accustomed to the “new normal” of living with it. Thankfully the news is not so fixated on the pandemic anymore. The sad news is it has turned to a new pandemic… another change to world order with the devastating war in the Ukraine.
I am reminded yet again how thankful we are to be living in a free country. Yes, we have our differences and that’s perfectly normal and okay. But we are free, we have a democracy, we are warm and comfortable, we are well fed, we have every luxury available to us and we have a beautiful country. I pray everyday for wisdom and discernment in the unlimited blessings God has provided for us.
It has been a while since I have communicated with you all. A few of you have commented on that fact and so, here is an update from the Board. My goal through this communication is to share where we as leadership of Mountainview Church are at and how we feel things are going in our ministry.
Update on Church re-opening and COVID Policies
It has been such a blessing to see so many of you again on Sunday mornings! Since we have been allowed to open church with basically no restrictions, attendance has been up and down. Understandably some of you are wary of the fact that COVID still exists, and it is still a major factor in your decision to attend or not. That is perfectly okay as each of us individually discerns our personal threshold and responsibility to one another in these still turbulent times. Mountainview will continue to grow our on-line media presence including on-line worship services. We do thank our media team for their dedication and enthusiasm to grow this ministry. Keep up the great work team!
I also wish to thank all of you for not politicizing COVID in our church and for being so understanding and gracious in how Mountainview was led over the last couple years.
Summer camp
Summer Camp will be in person and on-site this year. Christine Winter is signed on to organize and lead this for summer 2022. Camp is filling up once again and we expect wonderful blessings yet again this summer. Pray for Christine and the team she is putting together for summer 2022. We received the good news last week that we will be blessed yet again with a substantial government grant of just over $58,000 to help fund camp once again this year.
January 2021 Pastor Erick was hired to preach and teach the Word of God, shepherd the members of the congregation, welcome visitors, and provide spiritual and strategic leadership to the congregation, council, staff, and ministry leaders of Mountainview. And to promote and implement the vision of Mountainview and ensure that all ministries align with the goals and objectives of the church.
I am happy to report that Pastor Erick has taken his leadership seriously and has run with it. I think we can all agree that he started at a difficult time as COVID certainly restricted much of how we would normally conduct church activities and the changes that needed to be made as a result. Please continue to pray for Pastor Erick as he leads our team of staff and council. By now you are familiar with his regular “What’s Going On” reports. I highly encourage you to read these when you receive them as it will keep you updated with the latest ministry information. It is a blessing for me to get to know Erick on a personal level and to work with him.
New Church Calendar Year
Let me also take this opportunity to remind you of our new fiscal year. The Ministry Promise (budget) that was approved at our November congregational meeting was for the 6 months started January 2022 to June 2022. We will be presenting our new Ministry Promise for fiscal 2022-23, that is July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, at our Tuesday, June 14th Congregational Meeting. This then coincides with our Ministry year making budgeting more in line with ministry requirements. I encourage you to attend the congregational meeting.
Financial update
First, thank you for your continued financial support for the ministries of Mountainview. One way our vision comes alive is through your regular support of our Ministry Promise (budget) and our weekly offerings. Here are just some of things our Ministry Promise continues to impact in positive ways.
· Weekly worship
· Kids and youth ministry
· Doing more with our local community through support, sharing of our resources, getting involved in community activities and offering services like “Kids Camp”
· Support of our Christian Schools
· Amplifying the good news through churches, neighborhoods, and communities around the world through Resonate Global Missions
· Continually improve our on-line worship reaching more people with the message of hope
· Training future reformed leaders by supporting Redeemer University and Calvin Seminary
· Providing fair, living wages, benefits, and support for our staff
· Facilities maintenance and upgrades
· Responsible yearly mortgage reduction and security for capital fund forecasting
It is confirmed through a complete audit by DJB Chartered Professional Accountants of our 2021 financials that we did indeed meet all our Ministry Promises for the 2021 year and our books are in good order. So, we thank our Treasurer, Will Klein for a job well done. We were also able to pay down our mortgage which now sits at $368,969 with a 2.9% interest rate.
Now an update in terms of our requirement to fulfill our promise for the 6 months ending June 30. In what seems to be normal for our congregation, we are behind in our income as we approach our year end. We understand that some of you normally give at the end of the (calendar) year. Now we boldly ask that you give before the end of June (our new year end) so that we can meet our promises. We still require approximately $270,000.00 or $45,000 per week over the next 6 weeks to meet our goals. However, our expenses will be down a bit because of less staff and ministry expenses due to COVID during the first 3 months. Regardless, the bottom line is we must think hard about our giving to our ministry promise over the next 6 weeks.
Fruitland CRC update
It has been shared a number of times that the Fruitland CRC is closing its doors effective June 5th. I will be at their last service representing Mountainview as we are a sister church that was started as a result of the growth of Fruitland. It has been a difficult decision for the members of Fruitland. The closure will be celebrated, and many great memories shared.
The church property is being donated to the Cairn Christian School, a long-time partner in Fruitland. The Cairn membership has graciously accepted this offer and I have no doubt, will put the property to good use.
As a Council we have reached out to the Fruitland membership by way of personal letters inviting them to join Mountainview and making the process seamless and as welcoming as possible. If you know any members from Fruitland, please make the effort to invite and welcome them to join Mountainview.
We have been blessed with the one-year internship of having Pastor Peter join our ministry team. It is already time to say goodbye. We have come to appreciate Peter’s calm good natured and well-spoken personality. We pray for Peter as he discerns God’s will for his future. Send along your own words of thanks and encouragement to Pastor Peter as he discerns God’s will for his life.
We have also been blessed with having Brandon on staff as our Ministry Associate. Most of you know that I am Brandon’s dad. It has been difficult for me as Chair of Council to have my son working for Mountainview. I have recused myself from all discussions and decisions regarding Brandon’s employment, including his hiring. I am proud of the work he did and what he was able to accomplish in his ministry responsibilities. Knowing how difficult the decision was for Brandon to move on as he struggled with God’s will in his life, Brandon has started his new job and is using his education as an engineer. Send along your own words of encouragement and thanks to Brandon as well.
At the time of this writing, we have a team interviewing to fill the holes that have been left. We will keep you posted on the progress and prayerfully, the new staff introductions and responsibilities soon.
In the meantime, staff has pulled together to cover our short-term needs.
I also want to give a big thank you to Ruth Ann for her great work as our Worship Director. Our worship both in the worship center and on-line have been meaningful and moving. The worship teams are developing wonderfully. We are blessed with much talent at Mountainview and it is being used to the fullest. The communications we have been receiving from Ruth Anne have been very informative and confirm the vision of our church. I encourage you to read her posts!
Feel free to show your appreciation and encouragement to all of our staff. They are doing a great job for us!
We are encouraged to use our gifts in service to God and each other. That is our purpose! A big thank you to all who serve in the numerous ways offered in our church, our schools and community. If you are looking to volunteer and need help in discerning what your gifts are suited for, please reach out to Pastor Erick, or Alice, or myself, or your Elder. There are always many opportunities available to serve. It is my hope and prayer that you will discover a place to serve and find the experience as rewarding as I have.
Blessings to you all as we continue to navigate through challenging times.
In His Grip,
P.J. Vermeer
Council & Board Chair
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September 2021
Dear Congregation,
Welcome to a new ministry season… As I write these words, I falter… and hesitate… I honestly wish and have prayed that we could begin this ministry year with no restrictions and/or fear of where COVID is heading. There is still much anxiety, skepticism, disappointment, anger and HOPE… We are planning and preparing with the hopeful expectation that Ministries can begin this fall as normal as possible. We can’t wait and frankly, are excited to renew our connections to one another and our broader community.
Pastor Erick mentioned in his last communication, the fall begins with a number of our members taking a training workshop for Challenging Conversations on September 8th. This training is in preparation for conversations to which you will be invited as we discuss parts of our denominations Human Sexuality Report. Our hope is that the tools from this training will also help us when we have any other uncomfortable talks, that we may need to have as a community. In this time of polarized opinions, it is vital that we as Christ-followers know how to neither avoid challenging topics nor exacerbate the differences.
Now let me share some things that are coming up in our planning:
1. We are excited to host a Healing Prayer Gathering on Wednesday, September 15th at 7 pm. All are welcome as we gather in the worship space to lift up one another’s needs big or small, for physical, emotional or spiritual healing. This will be a participatory gathering. We will begin with a time of teaching, followed by a time of prayer. You will be invited to personally respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and join in small clusters to pray FOR, WITH or OVER one another, specifically for healing.
2. We are solidifying our plans for an outdoor service and encourage you to mark your calendar and join us for a Backyard Worship Celebration on Sunday, September 19th. This service will happen on the lawn behind the church building and will still be available online. Registration is required, but masks outdoors will not be. Please bring your own lawn chairs. Once you are seated and properly physically distanced from your neighbours, you may remove your masks.
3. Many ministries such as Book Club, Cadets, Coffee Break, Divorce Care, Friendship, GEMS, Kids@Mountainview and Mission Circle are excitedly making plans to return this fall. As we re-open ministries we need to continue to abide by the rules that require masks, physical distancing, capacity limits, food service, etc… After some diligent research, we have also set in place some guidelines for volunteers.
4. We recognize that the choice to vaccinate or not to vaccinate is a personal one, which each person is free to make, and we respect their choice. However, sometimes when a personal choice impacts other people, we must consider that impact and make decisions for the good of everyone. We are extremely fortunate to live in a country where we are free to make our own decisions. The thing is, with freedom comes responsibility, especially for each other.
a. With respect to Children’s Ministry, it is our job to take care of our children, to make sure that Kids@Mountainview is a loving, fun, safe environment. We do this with our Safe Church Policy, with training and mentorship of our volunteers and we need to do this with respect to COVID. Because children below the age of 12 cannot get vaccinated and by that, protect themselves from COVID, it is our responsibility to ensure they are as safe as we can possibly make them. So, based on government and medical guidelines, which we have been following, we have set the following guidelines in place.
i. Volunteers for our lower age classes (nursery to JK), where children are in close physical contact and cannot be masked, all volunteers for these age groups must be double vaccinated.
ii. We are beginning with a staggered start, with Walkers, Little Lambs and JK being the first groups to begin. These little ones are busy and are easily distracted and hard to keep still in church. We feel the babies, most of which need to be constantly held, are better served by being held by their parents in the worship space, or if they are particularly fussy, the fireside room where the service is also streaming. Depending on how the numbers play out once school opens, and we hopefully stay in stage 3 (or better), then we will open babies and the older classes possibly beginning November.
b. For other ministries with older age children, GEMS, Cadets, Middle School and Youth, vaccination is strongly recommended but not required at this time. Following the government guidelines all volunteers, both vaccinated and non-vaccinated along with the participants must wear face masks and remain physically distanced.
We will continue to watch for and follow any changes that invariably will happen as our world struggles with the COVID pandemic. Let’s be gracious and flexible as we continue to navigate during this difficult time.
We encourage you to join in this fall, whether as a participant or a volunteer, we’d love to see ministry flourish. Regularly watch the Friday e-blast and our website for information regarding the start of each ministry.
Blessings to you all as we ramp up for a new, albeit somewhat different, ministry season. I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
In His Grip,
P.J. Vermeer
Council & Board Chair
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December 21, 2020
Dear Congregation,
In just a few days we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This is at least one thing that 2020 could not take from us! Our celebrations will be different than we may be accustomed to, but we celebrate none the less. Thanks be to God! I love the season, even this year. I love the music that comes with it. Every song I listen to reminds me of the gift we have received through Christ. I would like to share with you my favourite Christmas song. It is a rendition of “Mary Did You Know” as presented by the a cappella group Pentatonix. You can check it out on YouTube
Lots to report as we near the end of an unforgettable year. I will once again write this in a question-answer format.
Since the positive congregational vote regarding Pastor Erick, how are things progressing?
Pastor Erick and Ruth Ann are quite excited about their move to Grimsby. Although they have not found a house as of this writing, plans are moving ahead quite nicely. They are prepared to commute from Brampton until a suitable home is found. Erick has been working with staff to forge a plan for the first part of 2021. As a Board, we have been working our way through a book called “Sticky Teams” by Larry Osborne. One aspect of this book is to create a “sticky statement”. This statement is a catchy, short, memorable phrase that exemplifies where we will focus for the next stage on our journey to being more missional. The Board with Pastor Mike’s help, and with Pastor Erick’s input, has developed the sticky statement “Learning Missional Practices”, to augment Mountainview’s vision and mission. This will help all of us to focus on learning some practices that Pastor Erick will share with us over the next few months, with the goal of helping us find our spiritual gifts and concluding with a call to action come September 2021. Pastor Erick starts on January 11 and will preach his first sermon on Sunday, January 17.
Please pray that a house may be found and for Pastor Erick’s ministry here at Mountainview, especially as we are still dealing with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pastor Erick’s new email address is now set up.
How are we doing with our income and expenses as we near the end of 2020?
We are truly blessed by the giving in the congregation! We know that much of what we require comes in at the end of the year. We are counting on that being the case again. So, to answer your question we still require $157,650 to come in for the month of December. That is more than double our average month requirements. We are confident this will again happen as it is the norm in our overall giving habits.
On the expense side of things, we will end over budget on our salaries, but this will be offset by savings on other expenses primarily savings due to the pandemic. So, we will be okay.
Can you give some highlights regarding the 2021 Ministries Promise (budget) and what that means to each of us?
At our recent congregational meeting, we introduced a new way of showing our budget. This was through a “Narrative Budget”. This was our first attempt at this approach with the goal being that each ministry that requests money, is asked to share their story and their missional goal(s) for the new year. (I know, not really answering the question but trying to add context.) At the end of this Narrative Budget presentation, was a 1-page consolidated Ministry Promise. This promise includes an overall 8% increase. So, this means you have agreed to increase your financial support to Mountainview by 8% for 2021. This increase is primarily due to staffing as we will go into 2021 with all of the positions filled. (Well almost. Staff is discussed further below).
I see a lot of new audio-visual equipment in the sanctuary and the improvements in our on-line worship. Is this work done?
Really the work is never truly done. Our team is always’ looking for improvements that can be made. But yes, all the big expense upgrades have been made. We would like to thank the Media Team for all the time and work that has gone into the improvements we will all get to enjoy while doing a better job to reach and engage beyond the walls of this facility.
What is our staffing model coming into 2021?
This question was asked at the congregational meeting but upon reflection, I don’t think it was answered properly. So here we go…
As stated earlier, Pastor Erick Schuringa will begin on January 11 with Pastor Mike Collins overlapping for a month to provide continuity and passing the torch effectively.
Pastor Fred VanderBerg has agreed to continue as our part-time pastoral care pastor to the end of June if required and may depart earlier with 1 month's notice from him or from the board. We will be reviewing our needs as the year progresses.
Alice Posthumus will be our full-time Ministry Director responsible for all non-ordained staff, coordinate all ministry efforts, and serve on the board as the recording clerk.
Christine Winter will continue to develop our Kids and Middle School Ministry and serve as our Community Connections Coordinator. Christine is currently shared with Cairn Christian Schools as they need extra help, and our need is currently diminished due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Let us pray that come September we can all resume normal activities.
Brandon Vermeer will continue as our full-time Ministry Associate responsible for youth, young adults, small groups, and social media development. This contract will be reviewed, and the next steps decided before September.
Karin Terpstra continues full-time as our Office Administrator.
Will Klein continues part-time as our Treasurer.
Cinde Draaistra will continue to serve as our custodian with the help of her sister Hennie when required.
As we have reported, it was decided to combine the responsibilities of worship coordinator and music director into one part-time position. This position has been posted and we will be filling it as quickly as possible for a January start.
With that… all staff positions will be filled as we move into 2021.
We have been blessed with a great staff. I take this opportunity to thank each of them for being the positive team players they are, especially in the difficult and yet opportunistic time we are all going through.
Do you have any idea when we will be able (or perhaps willing) to reopen some of our ministries? Thinking especially of children’s ministries?
The short answer here is no. We have said all along that we will follow the guidelines of our government and health officials no matter what other churches decide to do, right or wrong. We cannot predict when the guidelines will change, especially recognizing that case numbers are rising, and the vaccination rollout will take months. Please know that we all miss the ability to worship together, meet together in person, and absolutely miss the opportunity to interact with and teach kids about the love of Christ. That being said, the Kids materials and communications are continuously updated on our website and Facebook page. There are Kids@mountainview/resources available to watch, do, and share with your children. How wonderful to take this time to really dig into and see how your kids are learning and growing through our programs and materials.
Any final words for 2020 and as we look ahead to 2021?
The entire world has had to react to the realities presented by COVID-19. It has been tough. But rather than look at what has been lost, let us look to 2021 as a year of opportunity! A year in which we continually ask God what He would have us do? How He would have us respond? How He would have us learn missional practices? How he would have us be church to the community surrounding us? How He would have us give of ourselves, our wealth, our spiritual gifts? How He would have us follow Christ’s example by giving up everything for others' sake? The church would look more like Christ if we would say no to ourselves and yes to those around us.
Let’s thank Pastor Mike for helping us reimagine our missional purpose in 2020 and let's welcome Pastor Erick as we learn missional practices in 2021.
This is probably the most exciting time to be and or get involved in the life of Mountainview church. Actually, let's think bigger… the life of Christ’s universal church. We are all a piece of that church! We are the church!
Blessings to all of you,
P.J. Vermeer
Board & Council Chair
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October 1, 2020
Dear Congregation,
Yesterday I felt weary, today I am the best. Why? Believe it or not, it is because of the memorial service for Frank Ritskes I was able to attend this past Wednesday. I have had the greatest pleasure getting to know Frank over the last few years and every time I asked him, how are you Frank, his response was always “I’m the best!” I learned at the funeral this afternoon that he would always answer his family in the same way. “I’m the best”. One of his kids asked him… “What are you the best at Dad?” His answer… “I am the best at being me! You need to be the best at being you because no one else can do it for you!” Thank you Frank.
Why was I feeling weary? The COVID-19 numbers are climbing. Some of us are afraid and hunkering down again. Some of us are going about our lives fairly normally on a day to day basis. Some of us think this is all bunk and our political leaders and health leaders are scaring the population into submission. How in the world do we as a church make decisions with this major distraction and mix of reaction to a world crisis?
I’ll tell you how. By following Paul’s advice to the Romans in Romans 13:1 where it is written,
“Everyone must submit themself
to the governing authorities,
for there is no authority except
that which God has established.”
In the case of COVID-19 our “authorities” are only trying to protect the entire population, and therefore is in sync with our Christian principles. Let us continue to respect our diverse opinions during this pandemic and choose to make use of this time to galvanize the missional vision of Mountainview and be ready for the opportunities that lay ahead.
There are a few things that we need to cover today. I will address them by topic.
Finance. First, I would like to say that at the end of the day, I am always amazed at the generosity of our congregation. I will break this down a little for you.
Income. Our ministry income has dropped during the summer months and as a result we are sitting at 86% of our promised giving year to date as of September 30. We are currently behind by approximately $60,000. As a reminder, we count on an income of just under $70,000 each and every month. This is however our normal situation this time of year.
I have a dream. (My dad always told me as I was growing up; “It’s good to dream, and when you dream, dream big!”) For my devotions yesterday I was led to “The Parable of the Bags of Gold” found in Matthew 25:14-30. It is worth a read to remind each of us what is expected with the gifts God has given us. My dream is that we be a first fruits people. That we give as we receive rather than give as the need arises or what is left over at the end of year. I ask you to please join me in catching up to our ministry promise so that we can avoid the “meet the budget Sunday” of previous years. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we exceeded our needs thereby allowing the ability to expand our missional vision?
Expenses. To date we are seeing some savings however we are also seeing some higher expenses. In all likelihood it looks like there will be some savings at the end of the year.
Narrative budget for 2021. All ministries have been asked to present their budget request for 2021 in the form of a narrative with a missional goal or perspective. This information is coming in as you read this. It will be interesting to see the final results.
Donation options. Just a quick review of the options to make your ministry donations.
1) Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR),
2) E-Transfer directed to
3) Mail to or drop off a cheque or cash at the church,
4) Drop directly into offering bag at the sanctuary entrance on Sunday,
5) Directly through the Bridge app.
Search for a new pastor. The search team has been doing an amazing job. On September 24 the search committee presented council with a pastor to consider for a call to Mountainview. On September 30 council had the opportunity to meet with this pastor via zoom and later that evening voted unanimously in favour of presenting this individual to the congregation for the “Call”. Details will be shared at the end of the week.
Staff Updates. Cinde, our custodian, continues to work with reduced hours, Alice, our Ministry Coordinator, has volunteered to reduce her hours slightly, Christine, our Children’s Ministry Director, has reduced hours at church because we cannot run the children’s program at this time but has been able to make this up by helping out at Cairn Christian Schools where more help was needed due to COVID-19. And we have hired Brandon Vermeer to fill a one-year, full-time contract as our Ministry Associate. His focus will be on Youth, Small Groups and our Online presence.
Profession of Faith is something that normally takes place in the spring each year. It is an opportunity for those who desire to profess their faith to come before the congregation and express that faith publicly, thereby becoming full members of the church. This will be happening on Sunday, November 1st. Be sure to stay tuned.
Committee for Protection, Integration and Inclusion. Their work is done and the committee had been disbanded with great thanks for a job well done. There is a final document now completed that will steer the leadership of this church in any cases of sexual abuse and pedophilia. This document is available for your information on our website under information and policies. The document is titled “Protocols for the Protection of Sexual Abuse Victims and the Integration and Inclusion of Sexual Offenders.”
Mountainview Media Ministry. You would know this as our Audio Visual team. This team has been extremely busy improving our capabilities in both on-line and in-house worship. Over 4,000 feet of co-ax cable has been added for additional cameras and screens. 2 new audio boards have been installed which will give a much more fluid on-line experience. A new switcher has been installed allowing 20 inputs and now we have a total of 10 cameras as well as in-ear devices for our worship teams.
And there is still more to be done. Stage lighting will be installed for better video lighting and sanctuary ambiance. A new screen for a much clearer picture will be installed as well as 2 large video monitors on either side of the stage and blinds for the top windows in the sanctuary also to enhance video quality.
In closing, every discussion in every ministry needs to be focused on the vision of being a missionally relevant church serving those both inside and outside of our membership base. The kind of church Christ has called us to be when He simply stated;
“Therefore go and make disciples,
baptizing them in the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19
So ask in your group, committee or team:
How is what we are doing, missional?
If it is not… can it be? How? What can we do to make it missional?
If it is… How can it be made better, more relevant in today’s culture, in our community?
Pray about it. Ask God for direction!
Our purpose is to grow God’s Kingdom. This is the time to be a real disciple. Just do it!
Have a blessed week,
P.J. Vermeer
Council/Board Chair
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August Update from Church Board and Chair of Council
August 13, 2020
Dear Congregation,
Who would have thought that 2020, which was destined to be a ho hum, average year at best, would turn out to be so tumultuous? Now, 8 months in and the world has been turned upside down, including the life of our church. It is already well into August; school is just around the corner and life goes on in this strange new world. A world. I believe, is filled with new opportunities to share the hope that can only be found through Jesus Christ.
Church is Open (well, kind of)
Well, church has opened, and our 2 test runs where successful. We had between 30 and 40 people present for the last 2 weeks. Even with all the protocols, there is still something special about being in church and worshiping together. You are invited to give it a try. Please remember all the guidelines and especially wear your mask through the entire service. We follow all these government regulations for 3 reasons; 1) They are mandated by the government. 2) As Christians we are called to obey. 3) For the protection and ease of mind for those around us. Remember to register!
Profession of Faith
This coming Tuesday council will be meeting with the young adults who have expressed their desire to publicly profess their faith. This is a yearly highlight for council as we witness their faith journey through personal testimonials. The following young adults, the future of the church, wish to publicly profess their faith. Matthew Toohey, Spencer Zondag, Sophia Bezemer, Morgan VanderWeir, Justin Moraal, Jayden Talsma, and Luke Huinink. Join me in encouraging these young adults and all our youth to grow their roots in the Word, and to help shape Mountainview to be a missionally relevant church family that has an impact for Christ on our local community for years to come.
Pastor of Congregational Care
With the province now in “stage 3” of re-opening, Pastor Fred is able to make personal visits again. I know this is welcome news for many of you. Please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Fred or your elder to set up a visit if you wish to have one.
Ministry Associate
As reported in July we are looking for a Ministry Associate for a 1-year contract position. We have received a few applications and there is a team that is conducting interviews. We hope to have someone in place for a September start.
September Ministry Starts…
September is quickly approaching and with it we normally have all of our ministries ready to go. For obvious reasons this is more difficult to accomplish this year. We can tell you that each ministry is working with Alice, our Ministry Coordinator, to review options for the fall season including what they can and cannot do within the political and health guidelines set out by the province of Ontario and whether they can operate at all be it be on-line or in-person.
Divorce Care will be offering an in-person course this fall on Tuesday evening beginning mid-September. Space will be limited. They will also be offering a Winter Course. Grief Share will be offering an on-line course from early November to March. Other Ministry information will be shared as plans solidify.
New Members
As a congregation we have the pleasure of welcoming Clem and Ann Bezemer back after spending several years in the Orillia area. We have also received the membership transfer of William (Bill) Vermeer Sr. from the Fruitland CRC. Welcome to Mountainview! We trust that in time you will feel truly at home and part of our faith community.
Our Giving
I believe that the health of a congregation can be measured to a degree by a positive financial position. We are falling a little behind in our income. Let us catch that up again. In his book “Bread for the Journey”, Henri Nouwen states: “Community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another.” It is in this spiritual knowledge that we give to the church.
Mountainview’s (our) vision statement says:
“We are a community of believers
being transformed by the love of Jesus,
bringing hope, healing and good news in a broken world.”
We need to continually share a portion of what God has entrusted us with, in the form of supporting financially to our vision. With the right environment and patient care, these seeds can yield a great harvest, “thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.” Mark 4:20
A Challenge
God has loaded everyone us up with spiritual gifts of one kind or another. I challenge you to ask God to reveal yours. Then look inside yourself and pull it out. Then step out of your comfort zone, contact Alice and let her know you are available, and she will help plug you into a suitable volunteer position.
I leave you with these words from 1 Peter 4:10-11
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.
If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides,
so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.
To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.”
Blessings to you all,
P.J. Vermeer
Board/Council Chair
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Letter about Regathering from the Church Board and Chair of Council
July 14th, 2020
Dear Congregation,
Every day I wake up I start by saying, “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” It puts me in a positive frame of mind and helps me to get through the day no matter what crosses my path. God is good!
Opening for Sunday Worship
The biggest question on everyone’s mind is “When will we see our church opening?”
We have looked very carefully at regulations, CRCNA communications and information, and what other churches are doing regarding re-opening. Here is a highlight of the timing…
July continues with on-line worship only. Live stream will of course be continued even after we open for live worship.
August 2 & August 9 we will have a “soft open” for selected invitees only, namely, council, staff, ushers, worship participants and anyone else deemed necessary to be present so that we can have 2 trial runs to work all the kinks out.
August 16 there will be a limited registration of 180 people plus worship participants. (30% capacity) You can register online through our website the Monday prior to the service. You will need to register a spot for each person from your “bubble” that will be coming with you. A reminder to register eblast will be sent by the office each week. Initially seating will be open to…
August 16 will be Neighborhoods 1 & 2
August 23 will be Neighborhoods 3 & 4
August 30 will be Neighborhoods 1 & 2
There are a host of regulations and instructions which will be reviewed and updated regularly and can be found on our website following this link…
There is also video on the website giving a verbal idea of what to expect. This video can be found following this link… It is important that we all realize, worship will not be the same as what it was on March 1, 2020 pre COVID-19.
Please remember the important responsibility we each share as individuals to make our transition as seamless as possible not only to and for each other, but also for the entire community as they witness how we open our church during this pandemic. Let us show each other the same grace that God shows us, as each of us may also be at a different place in our own thoughts regarding COVID-19 and what is right and what is wrong.
Committee for Protection, Integration, and Inclusion
The work of this committee has been completed. The board now has a comprehensive document with protocols and steps for victims, and for alleged, charged and/or convicted offenders, as well as steps for supporting survivors of sexual abuse. Many scenarios are presented and the proper actions under each scenario clearly articulated.
Also clearly articulated, in detail, are the legal terms and responsibilities for leadership to follow.
Legal counsel has been sought and our insurance policy has been reviewed in respect to these protocols. In the future all cases involving abuse will be handled by the Church Board.
We wish to thank the people involved on the committee for their time, detail, speed, and the research that has gone into this work! A job well done!!
New Staff Position for a Ministry Associate
The board along with the Human Resources Team has developed a new one-year staff position. It is recognized that it may take extra time to find our new Lead Pastor due to the restrictions placed on travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are falling short in some key ministry areas. For example, youth, young adult, small group, and social media. This is a full-time position which we already have candidates for.
In the interest of transparency, we are opening this up to anyone interested in applying. If you are interested, please apply by August 4th, email Human Resources Team at
Audio/Visual Upgrade
Mountainview has been blessed with a donation specifically designated to upgrade our audio/visual resources. This is perfect timing as it enables us to make some major improvements which will allow us to enhance both our on-line and in-person worship experiences. We are thankful for this donation especially as it positions Mountainview to express our missional vision in a very tangible way.
So, thank you to the donor as well as to our Audio/Visual team to make these upgrades a reality!
Finance Update
Once again, we can report good tracking on the incoming funds to our budget. Our income currently sits at 88% of our budgeted ministry requirements. We are seeing some savings in our normal yearly expenses however our wages are tracking higher than budget since we have more staff than budgeted back in the Fall. Again, I challenge you all to give as you have been blessed. Together, let us make this “strange year” better by catching up to our agreement by being good stewards with what God has loaned to us so that we can continue to enhance our missional ministry!
I leave you with words from Jeremiah 29:11-13
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good
and not for disaster, to give you a future and hope. In those days when you pray,
I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”
I pray that you will continue to support Mountainview prayerfully, financially, and voluntarily, as together we continue to grow our vision to be a missional church to our local community.
Thank you for your encouragement, suggestions, comments, and questions.
Blessings to you all,
P.J. Vermeer
Board & Council Chair
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Letter to the Congregation from the Church Board and Chair of Council
June 6, 2020
Dear Congregation,
It has been 4 weeks since I last communicated with you and our world just keeps on a changing. Not only are we still dealing with COVID-19, we are also in the throws of major racial tension around the world as a result of our southern neighbours and the push/pull actions of leadership. We live in tense times. But, here in our neck of the woods we are, thankfully, sheltered from most of that tension albeit affected by it.
I know that many of us have stories during this time of isolation and social distancing. In our family we have added another with the wedding of our youngest son Brandon to Katrina DeRoche. They married 8 months early so that her dad, who was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer just a few weeks ago, could be there. Two days later Katrina’s dad, Al DeRoche, passed away. All 3 of these events where extremely emotional, quiet, lonely, sad and peacefully joyous. We know and trust that this is all a part of God’s big picture plan. We have experienced our “Roses and Thorns” in the last few weeks.
It is time once again to update you all with some of the goings on behind the scenes here at Mountainview. I will start by simply answering questions that have been posed to me.
Is our search for a new pastor still going on? Yes it is. Our search team has been meeting virtually with a small number of potential pastors. We are now at the point where we need to meet face to face with these candidates. This will happen as soon as restrictions allow it to happen. The search team is doing a great job!
Whatever happened to the structure changes for our church? Well, a number of things have happened. Here is a short version of the main changes.
The Ministry Leadership Team (MLT) has been disbanded. The staff meets weekly for team building, review, discussion, and direction.
The responsibilities of the Administrative Services Team (AST) and the former Council Executive have been combined and a Church Board has been established. This Board consists of the council chair, vice chair, clerk, pastoral elder chair, deacon chair, ministry and worship coordinator and lead pastor. Working with staff, human resource, finance, facilities, and the safe church teams. The Church Board reports to Council.
The Elders Ministry Team (EMT) is responsible for the spiritual life of our community as well as the preaching of God’s word.
The Deacons Ministry Team (DMT) is responsible for stewardship and service in our community.
All records of all meetings and decisions from CRCNA, Classis, Church Board, Council and all sub committee’s and teams are filed in a Drop Box shared file which is accessible to all Council members. Very transparent.
This structure was approved by Council in February and took effect immediately at that time. This was two weeks before the coronavirus was declared a pandemic, and our world changed. It is going very well.
Did we have to cancel Summer Camp? After many scenarios where brought forward and discussed; the implications of safety and social distancing, the constantly changing rules and the total unknown of what will happen over the next few weeks/months in regard to COVID-19; it was recognized that a final decision needed to be made so that everyone involved including the parents of the campers where honoured with a clear decision. While we have cancelled in-person Summer Camp, if we receive funding from the Canada Summer Jobs Program, we are looking at hosting a small group online camp.
So, are we saving money from the budget because of the cancellation? No. The camp is totally self-funded through a Canada Summer Jobs grant and registration fees. Registration fee refunds are being issued now.
Have there been anymore changes with regard to staff? Yes, as a result of not using our building, the major cleaning and painting being completed, Cinde, our custodian, is on leave through one of the Government assistance programs. Other staff have adjusted their hours downward as well based simply on workload. We continue to have regular follow-up discussions with staff and are very thankful for the flexibility shown, but more so, for their dedication, hard work and adaptability to new ways of doing and running church!
Is there a plan for re-opening church? No, not at this stage of the game. As a board we are watching very closely what churches are doing in parts of the USA. We are staying connected with the many resources being provided through the CRCNA as well as staying in contact with the leaders at CRCNA Canada. We are also carefully following the government phase-ins. Combining all of the above recommendations, we will continue to respond and adapt as needed towards re-opening.
What is our financial situation in terms of income and expense? We are tracking pretty well on incoming funds for the budget. We have made up some ground for the poor first 3 months of 2020 bringing our incoming to 89% of budget/ministry requirements. Expenses are tracking normally, but we do expect to see some savings in the next few months depending on unforeseen changes to our current way of doing church. So, we are currently $39,283.00 behind in our year to date giving. It would be amazing to catch up to 100% by the end of June. Prayerfully consider giving a little extra this month. Thank you for being such a generous and giving congregation!
As we begin to prepare our budget for the 2021 calendar year, we will be asking all ministries to present their requests in the form of a narrative, outlining their ministry goals with a missional focus for the year. If you are involved in leading a ministry, please make a note of this plan.
For my devotions this morning I was led to Luke 10: 1-24. This is where Jesus sent out “the 72” with very clear direction and upon their return, with strong words of encouragement. It is verses 23 and 24 that resonate with me.
Then he turned to his disciples and said privately,
“For I tell you that many prophets and kings
wanted to see what you see but did not see it,
and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”
We have received the opportunity to see and hear through the eyes and ears of the disciples and the teachings of Christ himself as presented in the New Testament. Christ is also sending us out, equipped to be disciples and to make disciples right here in our own backyards.
I pray that you support Mountainview prayerfully, financially, voluntarily, and supportively as together we grow our vision to be a missional church to our local community.
Thank you to those who have contacted our leadership with your questions, encouragement, suggestions and comments. Please be reminded that you are welcome to email me at, or text/call me anytime at 905-971-4805. I look forward to the day that we can all meet together again and share our new stories in person. I do miss you all.
God’s blessings,
P.J. Vermeer
Board & Council Chair
From the Chair of Council and Church Board
April 16, 2020
Dear Congregation,
Mountainview’s mission statement says,
“We are empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will glorify God in prayer and worship,
grow in relationship with God, and go,sharing Christ’s love in words and actions."
I love the word empowered! We, everyone of us, are empowered… we are set free… we are unchained, unyoked, unfettered, unshackled… To me that means we are free to mirror the love of Christ, especially in a time such as this, in a broken world. As we glorify our God and grow in His presence, go, and know that people will see Him through us!
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”—Isaiah 41:10
Now, let me share some of the stuff that is going on behind the scenes as well as some updates in terms of follow-up.
1. Sunday On-Line Worship
We have now experienced five Sunday’s plus Good Friday worship via Live Stream on-line. We have heard back from some of you with both positive and negative comments along with suggestions on how we can improve. Thank you all for being open and for sharing your thoughts! I again wish to thank our audio/visual team and our worship planners for all the work it takes to develop what has now become our most important ministry during this “interesting” time! We will continue to experiment and make changes as we work to create a God-glorifying, positive worship experience. I just received information that we are reaching 499 viewers each week via our website Live Stream and upwards of 800 views on our YouTube page. WOW!
2. Committee for Protection, Integration, and Inclusion
Mountainview CRC endeavors to be a place where we seek to minister in the name of Christ. In recent years we have worked hard at developing and living within Safe Church policies and guidelines. We must now develop new strategies, procedures, guidelines, and a covenant for integration and inclusion of people with a record of criminal offence, for the protection of all members, especially children and vulnerable persons.
We know God's grace is extended to all people and we are resolved to provide a means by which a person with a record of criminal offense can live in that grace in the life of our congregation at Mountainview.
There must be more emphasis on our acknowledgment and desire to listen to and help anyone who has been touched by abuse. We must ensure care for those who may be survivors of sexual offenses or abuse, and we will work on improving our ability to offer them safe spaces and professional support.
We have now formed a Committee to develop working guidelines for protection, integration and inclusion, with the work to be completed by September 1, 2020.
3. Search Committee
Our Search team continues to meet virtually and have started to meet with prospective pastors. I know the team is very thankful for the many suggested names that have been brought forward. They have taken the appropriate time to listen to sermons, check availability and compare strengths & weaknesses to our expectations as a congregation. The search is narrowing and now more information is being shared between us and the remaining candidates. I will be joining the team for a few conversations in the near future. Please continue to pray for God’s guidance throughout this journey.
4. Staff
I have been asked, “What is staff up to now a days?” Well, they have been kept remarkably busy adjusting to, working in and planning in this new environment. Our Staff are meeting virtually 2 times every week to share successes and to brainstorm other ways of doing ministry in the current COVID-19 environment. Here is a run through of what they are all up to…
Cinde Draaistra, Custodian… Cinde is currently conducting a deep clean on all our furniture, especially all the chairs that have seen years of use and many spills over time. When the deep cleaning is done, we plan to have Cinde, and her sister Henny, begin to do some much needed painting in designated rooms and areas of the building.
Will Klein, Financial Administrator… Will has been kept busier than normal staying on top of incoming donations and their various designations, particularly because of the many ways we can now receive funds, and of course, without a counting committee at this time. Please be assured he does not mind. So, keep the donations flowing as Will also continues to pay our bills and keeps us up to date on our financials, especially cash flow.
So, giving… on the income side of things we are currently at 81% of our ministry promises (budget) year to date. Thank you so much for your continued generosity and support of Mountainview’s vision. So, I ask again, help close the gap to 100% by the end of April. That means we are looking for $66,000.00 in the next 2 weeks to catch us up. The best option for “first fruits giving” is to join our PAR program by simply following these links:
PAR form:
On the expense side we are at 102% of our ministry promises (budget) year to date, with most of our April obligations paid at this time.
Brandon Vermeer, Youth Director… Brandon has been staying in touch with youth and their families including virtual gatherings and game nights. Brandon and Christine brainstorm regularly on how to conduct this ministry better during this time of social distancing.
Christine Winter, Children’s Ministry Director… It is an exciting time in children’s ministry! Christine has been busy developing and experimenting with new direction, focusing on where parents and their kids are engaging. She has been sharing articles and resources for parents, connecting directly with families and with the small group leaders involved in this ministry. Middle school is running virtually every Sunday night through screen sharing apps. We continue to prepare for Summer Camp in the possibility that we can host it again this summer. Believe me, there is a ton of detail involved in this preparation and parents continue to reserve spaces in the hope that it happens. Final decisions will be made as realities are presented.
Karin Terpstra, Office Administrator… Karin continues to receive and respond to phone calls and is keeping up and communicating with new and existing members as well as people interested in Mountainview. Karin helps to keep our information current on the Bridge app, on our Website and also assists Christine in communicating with families interested in Summer camp and the planning for it. She mails or drops off paper copies of current leadership communications, Bulletins, Newsletters, DVDs and mail to those members who do not have email or internet. She keeps our records and database up to date and supports ministries where needed.
Alice Posthumus, Ministry and Worship Coordinator… Alice, of course, is actively coordinating our weekly worship. We are learning that needs and expectations are quite different with virtual worship. Openness, flexibility, and experimentation are being exercised. She is also managing all the staff mentioned so far. Work continues in marketing, web upkeep and development and staying in touch with various ministry leaders to help develop initiatives during these changing times. Staying up to date and keeping many of us up to date on what is happening not only at Mountainview, but also in the broader Christian community as well.
Speaking of broader community, we are looking to rebuild our Community Connections Team (formerly Outreach). If you feel gifted in the area of ministry or would like to learn more about it, please contact either Alice or Christine.
Pastor Fred Vanderberg, Pastor of Community Life… Pastor Fred continues to make phone call visits to many congregants; focusing of course on immediate needs. There are plans being developed and considered to conduct a Profession of Faith class online. Details will follow when ready. Pastor Fred reports that people in our congregation are being well cared for and contacted by our Elders & Deacons as well. We are blessed indeed.
Pastor Mike Collins, Missional Pastor… Pastor Mike continues to train, equip and ready us to fulfill the “GO” portion of our vision. Mike has met with our leadership teams a number of times, works very closely with our staff and leads the bi-weekly staff meetings with special emphasis on leading us in developing our vision moving forward. We are seeing positive results in streamlining and simplifying our communications as Mike, Alice and Karin are working together on this important ministry. He is spending a lot of time in front of the camera presenting our weekly worship with that missional element.
Over the next 3 months Mike will be working in these key ministry areas:
1) Conducting a virtual Alpha course.
2) Assembling a Small Group Team to review, recharge and fire up this important ministry. On that note, if you feel gifted in this area or would like to learn more, please contact Pastor Mike.
3) Helping the Church Board move forward with vision.
4) Strategizing with the prayer team to develop a prayer journey that involves the entire congregation.
5) Providing leadership in helping our Finance Ministry develop a “Narrative” budget for 2021 (one that comes with ministry purpose and goals).
6) Leading and planning (with Alice) the majority of Sunday worship for the next few months.
5. Church Board
It has been agreed by Council that we hold off on our normally scheduled voting/drawing of lots for new Elders and Deacons. The current elders and deacons will continue in their present ministry roles. Voting will take place when we can once again worship together in our church building. We will also postpone our normal spring membership meeting for the same reason.
Know that your Church board continues to meet on a monthly basis with some excellent discussions and visioning. I want to thank all of our Board, Council, staff and ministry leaders for the hard work that continues behind the scenes.
Be safe, be surrounded and comforted by the love of Christ, be blessed!
In His service,
P.J. Vermeer
Council & Board Chair
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A Note From the Chair of Council
April 3rd, 2020
Dear Congregation,
Who would have thought that 2020 would throw us such a curve ball as we are in with the COVID-19?
Who would have thought that we would have to close our church for… how long? Because of a virus?
Who would have thought that we would be conducting all our meetings virtually? Even though we live next door to each other?
Who would have thought that a family games night would be done on-line rather than in person?
Who would have thought that we would require side walks to be at least 3 meters wide, so we don’t get too close to the human coming the other way?
Who would have thought that the funeral of a loved one could not be attended by anyone?
I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
Now, down to the question… What is going on at the church?
First of all, we have been kept very busy with all of the changes that have been and continue to be made as a result of this COVID-19 pandemic. I would like to thank our staff for the flexibility they have shown as we transitioned them out of the physical church building and into their home offices. I tell you they are doing a wonderful job under these new conditions. Staff is meeting together over on-line meeting services at least twice a week to review; work load, where their energy may need to be redirected, major cleaning in the building, catching up on work that has piled up over time, planning our on-line worship services, adapting to conducting and developing on-line ministry opportunities and visioning and planning for the new world that we will wake up to as we come out of this pandemic.
We will share more detailed information on the individual ministries and the exciting things that are happening as the weeks go by. For now, we just want you to know they are all engaged with lots to do.
What have we learned? Church is NOT the facility we worship in… Church is the people! People who desire and dare to disciple. People who help other people. People who follow the rules our government puts in place (whether we agree or disagree) understanding that God himself has put our leaders in place. People who continue to provide finances so that ministry can thrive in times such as this. People who have a hunger to understand God’s will in their lives.
By now you have seen the actions taken by our Deacons and the introduction of “The Deacons Corner” in our weekly publications. I ask that you read these carefully, understand that they are here to help anyone in need, as well as communicating all the options available for the opportunity to contribute financially so that we can continue to bless our ministry efforts.
The Church Board has decided that the capital campaign dubbed “Vision 2020” will NOT go ahead as planned in May. Now that we expect to be in this new situation for the long haul, we do boldly ask that those who are able, please contribute extra at this time to the operating budget and for those who are struggling financially please do not feel anxious or guilty if you cannot contribute at this time. Collectively let us show that as a whole body we continue to be good stewards of our financial gifts.
As Pastor Fred and the Elders reach out to see how you and your family are doing in this new environment, I ask that you share openly including how you are really coping. Your honesty will help us to shape our ministry efforts and focus our time and energy where it is needed most.
I will plan to communicate on a more regular basis as we collectively navigate through the weeks and months ahead. I would like to hear from you as well. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, things at church you would like to hear more about, questions you may have for our leadership. I will use that information to shed clarity for the entire congregation. It is easy for me to forget what you may or may not know or be aware of. My contact information can be found below.
I have no doubt that most of us are spending a tremendous amount of time watching, listening to and reading the ever-changing, constant flow of both correct and conversely, unfiltered news from umpteen sources. Just think what would change in our lives if instead we spent that time in the bible which is the same today as it was hundred’s of years ago and watched or read the news only for that time we currently spend in His Word? Hmmm…
In closing I know we are all affected by the COVID-19 pandemic differently. Some may still be in denial, some extremely afraid or anxious and everything in between. Reality is these thoughts come into our minds, and that’s okay. It’s okay to be frustrated, to lament, to be angry, to protest and to be anxious. It’s what we do with these thoughts that’s important. In every situation hand it over to God. Only He can truly calm your heart. He will meet us where we are and carry our burdens for and with us!
2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
2020 will go down in history as changing our world. The Book of Life will not change! What we do with it will.
Blessings to all of you,
P.J. Vermeer
Council Chair
PS: I miss you all!
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Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
On Friday April 10th at 7 pm
we will be streaming
a Good Friday Tenebrae Service.
‘Tenebrae’ means darkness or shadows.
As we come to the end of Lent, we begin a journey into darkness
to a place of deep shadows.
We will accompany Jesus in his last hours.
We witness the cruelties and the suffering he endured.
We listen to the words of condemnation and ridicule.
In all this he is innocent.
And so, in this time of worship, join us, as we together with humble hearts
and focused minds reflect on the suffering of Christ for our salvation.
We invite you to prepare your space at home to enhance this worship experience.
Choose a quiet space, dim the lights, set out a bible, a cross, and light a candle.
Come let us worship!
Dear members of Mountainview,
You are invited to participate in our line communion service on Good Friday March 10th at 7 pm. Celebrating the Supper is a command given to all believers by Jesus to remember his sacrifice for us and to symbolize the new covenant.
The elements of bread and wine/juice are symbols of Christ’s broken body and shed blood. Communion is not a means of salvation, rather, it is a testament of a believer’s faith in the atoning work of the cross. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, join us online to remember his GREAT sacrifice. If you are not in the place where you consider Christ, your Savior then sit back and enjoy our online service as usual.
1. Arrange for the use of any Juice in a small cup. (Grape if you have it)
2. Arrange for the use of Bread or Crackers.
3. Be Ready at Home with Your Elements
– All you need to do is follow along online individually. The pastor will give instructions to guide you through properly receiving communion.
4. Share With Us
– After receiving communion online, please take a moment and share your experience. If you like take a quick photo and include it in your email:
Matthew 26:26-30; Mark 14:22-26; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-29
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Psalm 46 - God is our Refuge and Strength...
March 18th, 2020
Hello Members,
In light of increasing recommendations to limit contact and practice social distancing, hospital and nursing home closures to most visitation (see the latest update from Shalom), and the fact that many of the members I visit with are highly vulnerable to COVID-19, I thought it would be a good idea to touch base about my role of providing Pastoral Care.
This pandemic has created a new situation for Pastoral Care at Mountainview. Church Staff and Leaders are looking at creative ways to continue to "be community together" and "to be a presence of calm and love within our extended community at this time" in ways that meet everyone's needs.
I am also looking for new ways to support those who need it in our congregation throughout the above challenges.
So I'd like to provide my cell number: 289-260-0568
If you are needing prayer, looking to talk or connect with someone or needing counsel, I am still here and I'm happy to connect. Regardless of our physical restrictions, I want to remind each of you that "You are not alone. We are thinking about you and we are praying for you."
Loneliness and depression can exacerbate existing illnesses and isolation can create loneliness. Christians rely on the church for community. Let's stay connected where we can and be that community for each other.
I leave you with this confessional reminder and assurance:
What is your only hope in life and death:
That I am not my own, but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death,
to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ.
He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood,
and has set me free from all the power of the devil.
He also preserves me in such a way that without the will of my heavenly Father
not a hair can fall from my head;
indeed, all things must work together for my salvation.
Therefore, by his Holy Spirit he also assures me of eternal life
and makes me heartily willing and ready from now on to live for him.
In Christ,
Pastor Fred VanderBerg
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Monday March 16th, 2020
As followers of Jesus Christ we know that our world belongs to God and that He is in control. God knows us, He loves us and He is with us. God's Word and our faith assure us of God's guidance and care.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
However, we also need to be responsible citizens and respect those in authority who set out guidelines to mitigate the spread of this virus as they understand it.
In line with the above advice, to minimize the spread of disease, and to protect the most vulnerable among us, all programming at Mountainview, and all Ministry and other events, including rentals, are cancelled until further notice. We will continue to offer online Sunday services. For the time-being, the church office is still open with limited staff on site. Staying safe through distance is one way we can now love each other. Please watch your email, Facebook and our website for updates.
We recommend that Small Groups and Ministry teams find alternatives to meeting in person. We encourage you to connect and support one another through prayer, phone calls, video calls, etc. Offers to pick up groceries, make meals and other tangible expressions of care for those who may be ill, lonely or house-bound would be another way to show our love and support for each other and our community.
Please pray for our country, our health care workers, vulnerable groups, businesses, schools, scientists, our church and our leaders in every sphere as we navigate this new world together. May we love God and our Neighbours through all these changes to His glory!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
In Christ,
Your Leadership and Staff at Mountainview
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Friday March 13th, 2020 @ 7 pm
Hello everyone,
It has been a difficult day as we have been bombarded with constantly updated news and reaction to that news about the corona virus and the impact it is having on our world order and now to, on our comfortable Canadian lives.
As much as we believe that God is in charge and we put our trust in Him we are sometimes forced to make difficult decisions that seem to fly in the face of that core belief.
We are a congregation of travellers. We are a congregation with many vulnerable members on the young side as well as on the old side. In order to protect our most vulnerable we will follow the guidelines set out by the Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health who has recommended the immediate suspension of all large events and public gatherings of over 250 people due to the COVID-19 virus.
So… we have decided it best to cancel our church service for this Sunday. Please encourage friends and family to watch the message on-line.
We will continue to stay informed and re-assess as necessary during this pandemic.
Please remember and reflect on the simple fact that God is in control. We’ll be okay as we seek refuge under His guiding hand!
Be Blessed,
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Friday March 13th, 2020 @ 10:30 am
Dear Mountainview Family:
At Mountainview, we want to care for our congregation, including the physical well-being of our community. To that end, we have set in place a few precautionary measures in some of the things we do, especially in light of recent developments with the coronavirus (COVID-19).
The uncertainty of this outbreak is creating anxiety in our workplaces, schools, and day-to-day activities. Yet, we remain certain of God’s steadfast presence and careful attention to all that is happening. Please join us in praying for those who are affected by this illness, as well as their caregivers and those who are working around the clock to minimize the impact of this virus.
In Psalm 46, we are reminded that "God is our refuge and strength, and our ever-present help in trouble." Therefore, let us not fear, but with confidence use this opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus through our prayers and our care for others.
Here at Mountainview, we will continue to take our cues from Public Health Canada and the Denominational office. For now, our weekend services and programs will continue to run as usual. However, here are some preventative measures we are taking:
• If you feel at all ill, we ask that you please stay home and join us by watching online.
• Greeters will be positioned at the entrance doors to open the door for people entering and exiting the building.
• We will be greeting each other with smiles and waves, rather than the usual hugs and handshakes.
• Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer is available by each entrance and at Kid's check-in area and the Welcome Desk.
• Instead of passing around offering bags, ushers will receive your gifts as you leave the sanctuary, or you can choose to give online through The Bridge App.
• For the time being, we have decided not to serve Lord’s Supper.
• Individual condiments will be provided for coffee socials and when it’s your turn to serve and clean up we are asking you to wear gloves.
• We have implemented an increased cleaning schedule with a daily sanitation regime for all common areas and high touch surfaces.
• In-line with Public Health and medical advice we are reminding everyone that proper handwashing with soap and water, regularly and often, is one of the best options for reducing the spread of germs.
In Christ,
Mountainview CRC