Whether we realize it or not, it is likely that most of us know someone who has been abused or sexually abused.  Abuse knows no boundaries of gender, class, race or religion and people are affected by it in different ways and to different extents.  Survivors* live their lives just like anyone else, but for some there are long-term effects.  How do we welcome and minister to them effectively in a safe environment?  * “survivor” and “victim” are used interchangeably. 

Resources for Victim/Survivors of Sexual Abuse

See Section 10.0 for telephone numbers and information:

*Niagara Region Distress Centres, Niagara Regional Police Grimsby Detachment, Child, Elder, Sexual Assault Units, Niagara Region Police Victims Crisis Support Services, other Crisis Support services, Emergency Shelter, Housing & Food telephone numbers.

*Centres and Services to support victims through therapy, Bible passages, and a book list for Victims, Pastors, Elders and the Congregation.    

What the Church can do for a survivor/victim of sexual abuse requiring pastoral care, professional counselling and/or assistance from outside agencies:

4.1(i)    Survivor of Sexual Abuse: CHILD/YOUNG PERSON  - Personal Steps Required:
a.      A child or young person cannot receive pastoral care unless requested by a parent or guardian.
b.      If pastoral care is requested by a parent or guardian know your limits.  
c.       Encourage the parent/guardian to pursue opportunities for the Child/Young Person to receive professional counselling and/or assistance from outside agencies.
d.      Obtain local resources available to past victims/survivors of abuse and pass on that information.  Local programs may include support groups and therapy resources.
e.      For the Church record/information only: A Critical Incident Report Form to be completed and kept on file.  
f.        Information could be given to church program leaders (example Cadets, GEMS) if parent/guardian agrees.
g.      Inform the Church Board personally by handing a Critical Incident Response Form to a Church Board member.   Keep a note of who and when they were informed.

4.1 (ii)  Survivor of Sexual Abuse: VULNERABLE PERSON - Personal Steps Required
a.       A Vulnerable Person may receive pastoral care at the request of a parent or guardian.
b.       If pastoral care is requested by a parent or guardian know your limits.
c.       Encourage the parent/guardian to pursue opportunities for the Vulnerable Person to receive professional counselling and/or assistance from outside agencies.
d.       Obtain local resources available to past victims/survivors of abuse and pass on that information. Local programs may include support groups and therapy resources.
e.       For the Church record/information only: A Critical Incident Report Form to be completed and kept on file.
f.        Information could be given to church program leaders (example Friendship) if parent/guardian agrees.
g.       Inform the Church Board personally by handing a Critical Incident Response Form to a Church Board member. Keep a note of who and when they were informed.

4.1(iii)  Survivor of Sexual Abuse: ADULT 18 years and over - Personal Steps Required:
a.      Recognize the seriousness of what you are being told. Listen carefully to the victim/survivor’s story and believe them. Realize also that the abuse may have happened a long time ago, it may have been buried deep inside, but it still affects the persons abused, and the story is finally coming out.
b.      The survivor may believe that they are the cause of the sexual abuse, and the victim may have internalized a great deal of responsibility for the abusive behaviour.
c.       The abuser may have greatly damaged the survivor’s self-esteem and confidence. Do not reinforce that low self-esteem by taking over and making decisions for the victim.
d.      If pastoral care is requested know your limits.
e.      Encourage the survivor to pursue professional counselling and/or assistance from outside agencies.
f.        Obtain local resources available to past victims of abuse and pass on that information. Local programs may include support groups and therapy resources. Deacons may make necessary funds available.
g.      Complete a Critical Incident Response Form as soon as you can.
h.      Inform the Church Board personally by handing a Critical Incident Response Form to a Church Board member.  Keep a note of who and when they were informed.