When a Member of Mountainview CRC is an alleged, charged or a convicted sex offender:
• CHARGED with sexual offences and out ON BAIL
When an Offender is a Member, or a person who attends Mountainview CRC is:
• ON THE SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY (NOT on probation/parole order) and/or is found to be attending the church, and/or requests to attend church, and/or requests membership in the church.
When a Victim:
• IS NOT a member, nor attends church-sponsored events at Mountainview CRC.
3.1 (i) Offender: CHARGED with a Sexual Offence, and out on a BAIL ORDER, and is a member of Mountainview CRC. A victim is not a member nor attends church-sponsored events at Mountainview CRC: Urgent Steps Required:
a. The Church Board will be advised by the offender.
b. The Church Board will advise the church lawyer and the insurance provider.
c. The Church Board must ensure policy and procedures are followed for legal and insurance obligations.
d. A letter of suspension will be sent from the Church Board (see Sample letter Appendix F) advising we will consider missionally receiving the person involved. Advise a Covenant outlining restrictions must be signed, but this will be conditional on receipt of the following:
- Release information on Charges and Bail Order terms and conditions, if permitted unless a publication ban is imposed. If a ban is imposed the church lawyer must be contacted.
- Name, telephone number of their lawyer.
- Receive permission from offender to release information on the Charges, Bail Order and a Covenant to all church members.
e. When the required information is received a Covenant may be completed for signature.
f. Important: If there are further Charges there may be new Bail conditions and this may affect the Covenant. The offender will be suspended from the church until the church is advised of the “new” Bail Order terms and conditions.
g. The Church Board will designate an Elder to oversee the implementation of an Accountability Support/Chaperone Group and compliance with the Covenant. The designated Elder will report to the Church Board.
h. An Accountability Support/Chaperone Group will be established, made up of at least four members of the congregation (all of which shall be the same sex as the person involved). An Accountability Support/Chaperone Group will be assigned to them for the entirety of their involvement with the church.
i. The Accountability Support/Chaperone Group will receive training.
3.1(ii) OFFENDER: PROBATION/PAROLE ORDER, PROHIBITION ORDER following time in custody and/or on the Sex Offender Registry and is a member of Mountainview CRC. The victim is not a member nor attends church-sponsored events at Mountainview CRC: Urgent Steps Required:
a. The Church Board will be advised by the offender of Probation/Parole Order terms and conditions.
b. The Church Board will be advised by the offender of the Prohibition Order terms and conditions.
c. The Church Board will advise the church lawyer and the insurance provider.
d. The Church Board must ensure policy and procedures are followed for legal and insurance obligations.
e. A letter of suspension will be sent from the Church Board (see Sample letter Appendix G) advising we will consider missionally receiving the person involved. Advise the offender that a Covenant outlining conditions must be signed, but this will be conditional on receipt of the following:
- Release information on Probation or Parole Order, and Sex Offender Registry terms, and restrictions (Prohibition Order).
- Release information on the Prohibition Order terms and conditions.
- Name, telephone number of Probation/Parole officer and permission to contact them to corroborate terms and restrictions.
- Receive permission to release information of the Probation/Parole Order, Prohibition Order, and the Covenant to all church members.
f. When the required information is received a Covenant may be completed for signature.
g. The Church Board will designate an Elder to oversee the implementation of an Accountability Support/Chaperone Group and compliance with the Covenant. The designated Elder will report to the Church Board.
h. An Accountability Support/Chaperone Group will be established, made up of at least four members of the congregation (all of which shall be the same sex as the person involved). An Accountability Support/Chaperone Group will be assigned to them for the entirety of their involvement with the church.
i. The Accountability Support Chaperone Group will receive training.
3.1(iii) OFFENDER: ON THE SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY (NOT on probation/parole order) and/or is found to be attending the church, and/or requests to attend church, and/or requests membership in the church. The victim is not a member nor attends church sponsored events at Mountainview CRC: Urgent Steps Required:
a. The Church Board will be advised by the offender.
b. The Church Board will advise the church lawyer and the insurance provider.
c. The Church Board must ensure policy and procedures are followed for legal and insurance obligations.
d. A letter of suspension will be sent from the Church Board (see Sample letter Appendix H) advising we will consider missionally receiving the person involved. The Church Board will advise the offender that a Covenant outlining conditions must be signed, but this will be conditional on receipt of the following:
- Supply information on charges and dates and details of time(s) spent in custody.
- Release information/consent for the Church Board to obtain the Sex Offender Registry terms and conditions (Prohibition Order).
- Receive permission to release information on the charges and Sex Offender Registry (Prohibition Order) terms and conditions, and the Covenant to all church members.
e. When the required information is received a Covenant may be completed for signature.
f. The Church Board will designate an Elder to oversee the implementation of an Accountability Support/Chaperone Group and compliance of the Covenant. The designated Elder will report to the Church Board.
g. An Accountability Support/Chaperone Group will be established, made up of at least four members of the congregation (all of which shall be the same sex as the person involved). An Accountability Support/Chaperone Group will be assigned to them for the entirety of their involvement with the church.
h. The Accountability Support/Chaperone Group will receive training.